本文通过对长江沿江经济带东、中、西部地区经济发展不平衡的现状、形成原因及未来发展趋势的详细分析 ,深入探讨了长江沿江经济带东、中、西部地区经济发展不平衡性所带来的问题 ,并在此基础上 ,应用G·迈达尔的回程效果理论 ,提出了改善和最终解决上述问题的对策性意见。
Unbalanced development of regional economy has been for a long time the main feature of Chinese economy, and that of the Yangtze Economic Zone is especially evident Through a detailed analysis of the present situation, affecting factors and reasons, this paper discusses the main problems of the unbalanced economies between East, Middle and West of the Yangtze Economic Zone Based on this, using G Myradals accumulation effects theory, several strategies towards improving and/or finally solving the mentioned problems caused by the unbalanced ecouomy have been formulated in the end
World Regional Studies