
传媒多元化意涵:政治、经验与规范三个维度的分析 被引量:2

The Concept of Media Pluralism: An Analysis from Political,Empirical and Normative Dimensions
摘要 传媒多元化是一个多元、开放的概念,在不同语境、不同维度、不同层次下言说具有不同的意涵和意义。在政治维度下,传媒多元化对应民主的三种模式发展出意见的自由市场、公共领域以及权力竞争的场域等三种理论原型;在传媒表现评价的经验维度下,传媒多元化包含数量多元、种类多元、反映多元、开放多元、近用多元等众多内涵和外延混杂的概念;而在规范的维度下,传媒多元化又对应着市场模式和社会价值模式两种政策模式,并发展出一套基于结构/内容区分逻辑的规制路径。在整合政治、经验与规范三个理论维度的探讨并充分借鉴前人研究的基础上,本研究最后归纳出一个传媒多元化的基本分析框架。 The concept of media pluralism has never been uniformly defined, whose meaning and value varies with on what context, dimension and layers it is being explored. From the political dimension, media pluralism, in correspondence with democracy theories, has extended three proto- types including market place of idea, public sphere and agonistic public sphere. While from the em- pirical dimension, media pluralism acts as criterion for media performance evaluation and has devel- oped different concepts such as numerical diversity, diversity in kind, reflective diversity and open diversity. What's more, media pluralism can also be interpreted from the normative dimension as principle of media policy, which implies for two policy paradigms: free market model and social val- ue model, and a set of regulatory paths based on the distinction and conjunction between media structure and content. And finally, based on the above exploration and related literature, this paper tries to develop an integrated framework of media pluralism analysis.
作者 陈映
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期109-116,124,共9页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社科基金青年项目"媒介融合与传播规制变革"(09YJC860007)的阶段性成果
关键词 传媒多元化 意涵 政治维度 经验维度 规范维度 media pluralism concept exploration political dimension empirical dimension normative dimension
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