医疗器械是医院医疗活动的重要保障,对医疗器械的精细化管理是现代化医院管理的重要组成部分。本文介绍了我院应用企业资源计划系统(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)加强医疗器械管理的经验,详述了医疗器械管理实施ERP系统前后的区别,以及ERP系统在医疗设备预算管理、医疗设备申购、保障管理、高值耗材管理方面的特点与优势。
Medical devices are important guarantee for hospital medical activities. Fine management of medical devices is an important part of modem hospital management. This paper aims to introduce the experience in our hospital through the application of enterprise resource planning system (ERP) to strengthen medical equipment devices management, and describes the difference between the management of medical devices before and after the application of the ERP system, as well as the characteristics and advantages of ERP system in medical devices purchase budget management, medical devices procurement process management, security management and high value medical consumables management.
China Medical Devices