The allocation of burden of proof in medical burden of proof for the infringement behaviors and the damage damage medical institutions' malpractice as well. While medical relationship between medical behaviors and damage compensation cases means patients bear the consequences, and the initial burden of proof for institutions shall bear the burden of proof for no causal consequences, or no medical fault malpractice.If hospitals refuse to provide evidence such as cases for the reason of losing, they can be presumed to have malpractice and shall bear the adverse consequences. The statute of limitations to the demand for care services compensation begins with the beginning of care services, and the paying of specific amount of money, i.e. it should be calculated after the patients are cured and leave the hospital. While the statute of limitations to disability compensation and emotional distress can be calculated after medical damage appraisal and the determination of the damage and its degree.
Medicine and Jurisprudence
medical damage compensation accusation
allocation of burden of proof
statute of limitations