
H9N2亚型禽流感病毒对鸡输卵管致病性的研究 被引量:4

Study on pathogenicity of H9N2 subtype avian influenza virus for oviduct of hens
摘要 为了研究H9N2亚型禽流感病毒(H9N2AIV)对鸡输卵管的致病性,本研究首先采用凝集素亲和组化染色法检验了流感病毒受体SAα-2,3Gal在鸡输卵管上的分布;然后用H9N2AIV人工感染产蛋母鸡,制作输卵管的病理组织切片观察其病理变化;最后,采用胶原酶I灌注消化法培养鸡输卵管膨大部的原代上皮细胞,接毒H9N2AIV后观察细胞病变。试验结果表明,鸡输卵管除漏斗部没发现SAα-2,3Gal受体,其余部分均呈强阳性分布;攻毒后病理组织切片观察,输卵管膨大部上皮细胞绒毛脱落,部分细胞坏死、脱落,组织间隙变大,子宫内部组织内部充血出血,其他部分变化不明显;原代细胞接毒72h后,细胞病变不明显,但是上清中HA滴度可以达到3log2。从以上三方面可以看出,鸡输卵管上皮细胞膜上存在禽流感病毒受体,H9N2AIV可以引起侵害鸡输卵管,并引起部分输卵管病变,而且H9N2AIV可以感染鸡输卵管膨大部原代上皮细胞,H9N2AIV有可能通过输卵管感染母鸡。 In order to observe H9N2 subtype influenza virus(H9N2 AIV)pathogenicity for oviduct of hens, the distribution of sialic acids a-2,3Gal receptor in oviduct of hens was investigated by using lectin histochemical staining; H9N2 AIV was inoculated to observe histopathological changes of oviduct;primary cells of oviduct magnum epithelial were cultured with collagenase I digestion, pathological changes were observed after inoculating H9N2 AIV. The result showed that SAa-2, 3Gal receptors were expressed in chicken oviduct except infundibulum. Histopathological changes showed epithelial villus fell off or epithelial cell necrosis in magnum and broad hyperemia, hemorrhage in tissue of shell gland;primary cells show no obvious histopathological changes at 72 h after inoculated H9N2 AIV,but the viral titer achieved by 31og2. From the above results, H9N2 AIV can encroach on oviduct of hens,and cause histopathological changes.
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期500-503,共4页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31272577) 陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划资助项目(2011KT-DZ02-01)
关键词 H9N2禽流感病毒 鸡输卵管 SAα-2 3Gal受体 病理观察 H9N2 AIV oviduct of hen SAα-2,3Gal receptor pathological changes
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