高等教育大众化既是一个量的指标 ,也有其质的规定性。在实施高等教育大众化的可能性和必要性问题上 ,尽管有不同的看法 ,但实质上 ,各自都是从“国情”和高等教育的职能出发 ,对高等教育的发展趋向作出了具体分析。多样化和开放化是高等教育大众化实施的途径和思路。实施高等教育大众化 ,目前存在着量与质、规模扩大与经费投入不足、毕业生就业等问题 ,以及崇尚民主、自由、平等精神的高等教育大众化与整齐、划一、高度集中的教育体制之间的矛盾。对高等教育大众化问题研究有待进一步深化 ,尤其是高等教育大众化与社会文化的发展、社会民主化的走向、教育史。
Higher educations popularization has a quantitative criterion and a qualitative one as well. Multiplization and opening up are the approach to higher educatins popularization. During the course,there exist several problems. It is necessary to explore the field of higher educations popularization,especially the problems such as the relationship between higher educations popularization and soical culture,development of social democratization,educations history and rational policies and regulations.
Journal of Soochow University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)