
学科统摄视野下的大学发展研究 被引量:3

Dominant Disciplines and the Development of the University
摘要 学科统摄是指在一定时期,占据思想发展主流的学科将各种知识有机联系起来,统辖各门具体学科发展的现象。在主流学科统摄下,不同时期各个国家呈现出各异的大学发展模式。神学统摄下的中世纪大学表现出明显的职业性,创新研究与大学几乎无任何关联;技术统摄下的法国大学具有明显功利性,以造就高层次服务精英为培养目标;文学统摄下的英国大学在人文教育思想下,绅士人才的培养倍受推崇;哲学统摄下的德国大学在追求"纯粹科学"过程中,价值无涉式的科学研究成为大学发展的显要职能;科技统摄下的美国大学将人才培养、科学研究、服务社会融为一体,大学演变为轴心机构式的社会服务站。任何时期的学科统摄,都在大学发展中起了重要的主导作用,但随着社会发展,任何学科统摄都存在一定时限性。作为后发外生型的中国大学,在借鉴外域经验时应加以创新,以期在文化统摄下推进大学发展。 Dominant discipline refers to the discipline which,representing the mainstream thinking,synthesizes and governs the development of all the other disciplines during a particular period of time.Different dominant disciplines produce very different types of universities.Under the dominance of theology,medieval universities centered around religious service,lacking any genuine interest in innovation.Under the influence of technocracy,French universities were rather pragmatic,focusing only on cultivating elite professionals.Under the dominance of literature and humanities,British universities advocated vigorously the cultivation of true gentlemen.Under the dominance of philosophy,German universities were pursuing'Wissenschaft or pure science'and conducting value-free scientific research.Under the influence of science and technology,US universities tried to integrate their educational,research and social functions,transforming themselves into profit-driven social service stations.Nevertheless,as there are limitations to the dominance of any single discipline,China’s universities should learn from the lessons of those foreign countries and promote their development with the guidance of an advanced culture.
出处 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期32-38,111,共7页 Modern University Education
基金 2010年教育部人文社科规划项目"大学学术资本研究" 项目编号:10YJA880042 2010年山东省社科规划重点项目"微观权力视野下大学师生关系研究" 项目编号:10BJYJ05
关键词 学科 统摄 大学发展 discipline governing development of the university
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