
国际基础教育公私伙伴关系(PPP)模式:论争与启示 被引量:12

A Model of Public-private Partnerships(PPP) in International Basic Education: Argumentations and Revelations
摘要 基础教育公私伙伴关系是基于教育机会公平和提升教育质量的诉求,于20世纪90年代在西方产生并得到国际组织大力推动和发展的一种公共部门与私人部门合作的教育供给新模式。该模式有教育合约公私伙伴关系(PPP)和多利益相关者教育伙伴关系两大类型。PPP模式可以有效提升教育质量并改善教育服务水平。我国需要去基础教育PPP私有化意识,强化教育公共服务利益倾向,并在发达地区和城市优先选择教育合约PPP,在落后地区和农村选择另一种模式。 Public-private partnerships in basic education is a new model for coordinating public sectors and private sectors based on educational chance equity and educational quality promotion,which was made in western world and produced by international organizations,which includes contractual Ppp in education and multi stakeholders partnerships in education. International practices in education prove that public-private partnerships in education improve educational equality and promote educational services. We should remove the consciousness of privatization of PPP in basic education, strengthen profit of public services in education ,and pilot different models in different areas,where we implement contractual Ppp in education in developed areas and cities, and choose model of multi stakeholders partnerships in education in backward and rural areas.
作者 唐祥来 倪琳
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期88-95,共8页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 基础教育 公私伙伴关系 教育合约PPP 教育质量 basic education public-private partnerships contractual PPP in education educational quality
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