为确保飞机精确直线飞越预定点上空并具备精密进场着陆引导能力 ,研制了机载惯性 /DGPS精密进场着陆引导系统。该系统通过综合技术将惯性导航系统与差分 GPS有效组合 ,不仅定位精度高、工作可靠 ,而且输出信息实时、连续 ;通过着陆引导轨迹及引导画面的精心设计 ,为飞行员提供图形化的、精确安全的进场着陆引导信息 ,引导飞机至决断高处 ,从而解决了飞机全天候尤其是在复杂气象条件的进场着陆引导问题。本文介绍了该系统的方案、组成、系统特点、技术难点以及试飞结果。试飞中飞行员反映该系统精度高 ,引导画面图形直观 ,操作简便 。
An airborne INS/DGPS guide system is developed in order to ensure an airplane fly straight and precisely over an assigned point,and endow it with the ability of precision approach and landing in complicated weather condition.The system,by effectively integrating INS/DGPS,is not only with high positioning accuracy and working reliability,but also outputs real time and continuous information.Through the deliberate designs of the guide path and guide picture,The pilots would be provided with pictorialized,precise and safety guide information for approach and landing to pilot a plane to decision height even to touchdown.This paper will introdce the system constitution scheme and key techniques as well as flight test results.
Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology