The National Drama College is a national and professional drama school whose president is Yu Shangyuan during 1935 and 1949. The studies and performances on Shakespeare are the most important part of the teaching, which is the most characteristic of the school. College originally planned to perform Shakespeare dramas in every Graduation Extravaganza, but this plan was just implemented for four years and interrupted by the war. However, compared with other drama groups, this four Shakespeare plays also rose above the common herd during the publican period. The paper firstly studies the history and teaching content of the National Drama College, and analyzes the first Graduation Extravaganza The Merchant of Venice which embodiec the spirits of Yu Shangyuan and the college. Secondly, the paper analyzes the reason why the college pays so much interest on Shakespeare and how is the procedure of performances. Also, the paper analyzes the difference of reception of The Merchant of Venice between Chinese and Japanese during the republican period.
National Drama College
Yu Shangyuan
Liang Shiqiu
The Merchant of Venice