

Monographic Study on Multilingual Translations of Hongloumeng
摘要 宗教信仰自明而不可追问的特性,使其很难兼容于纯粹的逻辑分析。这一特性也使宗教和以感性形象为载体的文学艺术结下了不解之缘。古今中外的文学作品,一再清晰地表现了宗教信仰和宗教精神是文学表现的一个重要精神维度这一命题的真实性。 With the combination of Chinese classical literature study and the translatology, the multilingual translation study of Hun- gloumeng expands the traditional research scope of Hongloumeng studies, both promoting the dissemination of Chinese culture into the whole world and presenting a model of how to conduct a multilingual translation study of other Chinese classical literary works. From the perspective of statistical study on the English translation of Chinese idioms, John Tang and Mengna Tan interpreted the differences be- tween two earlier English versions of Hongloumeng and analyzed that it resulted in the adaptation of English style to meet the needs of the contextual features in the original. After analyzing the concretization strategies by David Hawkes in the translation of main Bud- dhism thoughts and discourses, Yaxu Qian and Mofang Ji pointed out that all translation methods were used to improve the acceptance of the novel among western readers. Last but no least, Shaoyang Hua intended to probe the underlying meaning of severcl typical reli- gious terms quoted from two typical German versions of Hongloumeng in order to explain how such deep meaning has been represented in another heterogeneous culture.
作者 华少庠
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期93-95,F0003,共4页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 基金项目:本文是四川省哲学社会科学“十一五”规划2010年度委托项目“《红楼梦)在欧美的译介研究”(项目批准号:sclow006)阶段性成果之一.
关键词 中国宗教 《红楼梦》 神仙 词汇 译本 宗教信仰 逻辑分析 文学艺术 Hongloumeng multilingual translation study comparative study of translations English translation of Chinese idioms English translation of Buddhism thoughts German translations of religious terms
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