
妊娠高血压疾病并发HELLP综合征临床分析 被引量:6

Clinical analysis of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy combined with HELL Psyndrome
摘要 目的通过对HELLP综合征临床过程的分析,探讨其对母儿预后的影响。方法针对我院近6年来14例HELLP综合征患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 HELLP综合征发病率为1.1%,围产儿死亡率为14.3%,无孕产妇死亡。完全性HELLP综合征10例,部分性HELLP综合征4例,发生产后出血6例,胎盘早剥2例,急性肾衰1例,急性左心衰1例,双下肢蜂窝质炎1例。结论重视妊娠高血压疾病诊治及对高危人群管理,早期识别HELLP综合征,密切观察病情变化,多学科合作,综合治疗,可有效降低母儿发病率、改善母婴预后。 Objective: To eveluate the prognosis of materal neonatal with HELLP syndrome. Methods: 14 cases of HELLP syndrome were collected retrospectively analysed in our hospital in the last 6 years. Results: the incidence of HELLP syndrome was 1.1% (including 10 cases of complete HELLP syndrome and 6 partial HELLP syndrome), the incidence of perinatal mortality was 14. 3% , no pregnant woman dead. The incidence of maternal complication, such as abruption placenta (2 cases), postpartum bleed- ing (6 cases), acute renal deficiency (one case), cellulites of two legs (one case) was serious. Conclusion: In order to decrease the maternal and perinatal mortality rate, pay great attention to diagnose of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy and management of high risk pregnant, the effective treatment for HELLP syndrome in pregnancy should be diagnosed and treated as fast as possible and intensive monitoring, comprehensive treatment .
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2013年第4期89-90,共2页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 妊娠期高血压疾病 HELLP综合征 Hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy HELLP syndrome
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