目的:评价Ⅳ期子宫内膜异位症根治术时实施卵巢组织移植的作用。方法:对 11例Ⅳ期子宫内膜异位症患者在施行根治术时将自体卵巢皮质片移植于大网膜之中。术后雌激素替代治疗3个月。停药后每月测定卵泡刺激素(FSH),黄体生成素(LH)和雌激素(E2),直至卵巢功能恢复。术后12个月E2水平不上升,列为卵巢组织移植失败。结果:11例患者在随访期均无子宫内膜异位症复发,其中5例术后4个月E2水平上升,3例术后6个月E2水平上升,另3例术后12个月E2持续在低水平,FSH和LH上升,卵巢组织移植存活率为72 .73%。结论:Ⅳ期子宫内膜异位症根治术时实施卵巢组织移植是避免子宫内膜异位症复发、重建卵巢功能的有效方法。
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of autologous ovarian tissue transplantation on radical surgery in patients with stage Ⅳ endometriosis. Methods: Ovarian tissue fragments were transplanted to great epiloon on radical operation of endometriosis. Eleven patients with stage Ⅳ endometriosis under went the operation. All patiants received post-operative estrogen replacement therapy for 3 months. After ceasing therapy, serum follicle - stimulation hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and estradiol (E2) levels were measured every month until ovary function completely recovered. Results: All patients have no recurrence of endometriosis. There were 5 cases who had an increasing level of E2 during post - operative 4 th month and 3 cases, during post - operative 6 th month. whose Serum E2 kept a low level and FSH and LH had an increasing trend during post - operative 12 th month in 3 cases. The survial rate of ovarian tissue was 72. 73 %. Conclusion: Transplantation of ovarian tissue fragments on radical surgery of endometriosis is a good method for avoiding recurrence of endometriosis and reconstructing ovarian function.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine