Objective: To investigate early clinical diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in patients with Ebstein's Anomaly. Materials and Methods: In this study, The clinical manifestations, physical findings, laboratory tests, and results of 55 patients were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Clinical date showed that non - specific exertional palpitation (84 % ), dyspnea (82 % ), chest discomfort (47 % ), and cyanosis (62 % ) were the most frequent symptoms before the exact diagnosis. 35 patients underwent echocardiography, which demonstrated marked tricuspid valve downwards displacement involving two leaflets in 22 patients, three leaflets in 4 patients, and single leaflet in 1 patient. Surgical findings of 28 patients undergone surgery were closely conformed to the echocardiographic results. Of 47 patients who were followed up for about 4 years, 15 patients died (9 of right heart failure, 1 of sudden death and 5 during pert - operation), 1 patient functionally worsened, and the others remained stable or improved in 32 pts undergone surgical correction. Conclusion: Ebstein's Anomaly clinically shows nonspecific manifestations, while echocardiography can precisely evaluate the tricuspid valve downwards displacement and play a determinant role in surgical therapy. Surgical correction may improve the prognosis of symptomatic patients.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine