目前国内外对藻类的生物学特征、收集、藻蛋白的利用等进行了大量的研究[1][2]。存 在的问题之一是培养基的费用高,经济效益低[3][4]。而啤酒厂污泥富含营养物质、无毒, 是培养藻类的良好基质[5][6][7]。经试验能50%替代营养盐培养钝顶螺旋藻而保持其收得率 基本不变,能80%替代营养盐培养普通小球藻而保持其收得率基本不变。利用啤酒厂污泥 既净化环境,又降低藻类养殖成本。这将为大规模推广藻类养殖提供一条经济实用 的有效途径。
Recently extensive studies of algae have been carried out on their biological characteristics, collection and the utilization of the it protein. One of the existing problems is the high cost of medium and low economic gain. However being non-toxic and rich in nutrients the brewery sludge is a good medium for alga cultivation. Experimental results showed that the yield of Spirulina platensis was almost the same airer cultuvation in a medium with a substitution of brewery sludge for 50% of the previous medium. So was the chlorella with substitution for 80% of its medium. The utilization of brewery sludge not only helps clean the environment, but also lowers the cost of alga cultivation. These measures provide an effective and practical way to enlarge the cultivating scale.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology