针对安庆市的农林废弃物资源量、社会经济发展状况和投资环境进行了调查研究,为有关生物成型燃料企业在安庆市生物燃料加工基地的建设提供决策依据。于2009年5月25日~6月5日对安庆市进行了为期10 d的实地考察,走访了政府有关部门、科研专家和部分木材加工企业,分析了当地农林废弃物资源作为生物成型燃料建设生物燃料加工基地的可行性。结果表明,安庆市的农林废弃物资源丰富,安庆地区每年可提供的生物成型燃料的原料量:农作物秸秆量约180万t,稻壳量约50万t,林业废弃物在11万m3。
In order to provide decision-making basis for builing biomass moulding fuel enterprise,agriculture and forestry waste resources,social economic development and investment environment of Anqing City were investigated and analyzed.The project team took ten days of on-the-spot investigation on May 25,2009-June 5 in Anqing City.The relevant government departments,research experts and part of wood processing enterprises were visited during the investigation.The local agriculture and forestry waste resources as feedstock for biomass moulding were investigated,and the feasibility of investing a biomass moulding enterprise was appraised.The results showed that agriculture and forestry waste resource is rich in Anqing City,and 1.8 million tons crops straw 0.5 million tons rice hull and 110 000 cubic meters forestry waste can be provided as feedstock for biomass moulding fuel.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences