目的探讨时间分辨荧光免疫检测技术快速筛查唐氏综合征的血清多指标联合检测方案。方法收集25680例妊娠妇女孕中期血清标本,应用DELFIA分别进行甲胎蛋白(AFP)、游离β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(F-β-HCG)和游离雌三醇(uE3)的二联和三联定量检测,当血清中AFP、F-HCG筛查风险系数大于或等于1/270时,定为唐氏综合征高危妊娠(或筛查阳性)。结果 (1)25680例妊娠妇女中,二联检测出唐氏综合征高危孕妇1306例,阳性率为5.10%;三联检测出唐氏综合征高危孕妇1562例,阳性率为6.10%,两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)在筛查的1895例高风险患者中,发现有3例二联检测评估为唐氏综合征低风险者,其三联检测评估为唐氏征高风险。经羊水穿刺细胞染色体检查,均确诊为唐氏综合征。结论孕中期血清AFP、F-β-HCG和uE3的三联检测,对唐氏综合征的筛查更为准确,在减少筛查假阳性率的同时,此3项标志物联合筛查可提高唐氏综合征筛查的敏感度和特异度。
Objective To investigate the time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay for rapid screening for Down's syndrome ser um multiple combined detection scheme. Methods 25 680 cases of pregnant women in the second trimester serum sarnples,applica tion of DELFIA were AFP,free of 13-HCG and free three female alcohol uE3 two and triple quantitative detection of serum AFP, HCG, when screening for risk coefficient is greater than or equal to 1/270, for Down's syndrome in high risk pregnancy women ( or screening positive ). Results ( 1 )In 25 680 pregnant women during pregnancy,two joint detection of Down syndrome in 1 306 cases of high risk pregnant women,the positive rate was 5.10% ;triple detect Down syndrome high risk pregnant women in 1 562 cases, the positive rate was 6.10%. SPSS 13.0 statistical software was used for statistical analysis, using a group t test statistical method, the two kinds of combination detection evaluation have significant difference(P〈0.05). (2)In the screening of 1 895 patients with high risk, found that 3 cases of two joint detection evaluated to be low risk, but the triple assessment to be high risk. The amniotic fluid puncture cell chromosome examination,diagnosed as 21 trisomy syndrome. Conclusion Prove second trimester serum AFP, F-β-HCG and free three female alcohol uE3 triple detection,on Down syndrome screening is more accurate, for reducing the rate of false positive screening at the same time,the 3 markers screening improve the Down's syndrome screening sensitivity and specifici ty.
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
Down syndrome
prenatal screening
prenatal diagnosis
time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay