目的:调查分析慢性病毒性肝炎患者使用干扰素治疗后甲状腺疾病的发生情况。方法:回顾分析并随访2006至2011年本院内分泌代谢病科及感染科35例干扰素治疗慢性肝炎后发生甲状腺疾病的患者,从易感因素、甲状腺疾病类型、预后3个方面进行分析。结果:干扰素诱发的甲状腺疾病(Interferon inducedthyroiditis,IIT)的发生与性别、慢性病毒性肝炎的类型及干扰素使用疗程均有关;多元logistic回归分析显示,女性、慢性丙型肝炎、长疗程干扰素治疗与干扰素诱发的甲状腺疾病的发生独立相关。结论:干扰素诱发的甲状腺疾病易感的慢性病毒性肝炎患者治疗时,需监测甲状腺相关指标,并定期复查,以防止干扰素诱发的甲状腺疾病引起相关并发症。
Objective : To investigate and analyze the occurrence of thyroid diseases induced by interferon in managing the chronic virus hepatitis. Methods: A retrospective analysis and followingup of 35 IIT patients with chronic virus hepatitis, admitted from 2006 to 2011, were performed. Then the datas from risk factors to types of thyroid diseases and the prognosis were analyzed. Results: The interferon induced thyroid diseases were related with sex, types of chronic virus hepatitis and the period of using interferon. Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors of female patient, chronic C hepatitis virus and long period interferon therapy were correlated independently with the suffering of interferon induced thyroid diseases in the chronic hepatitis patients. Conclusion: The chronic hepatitis patients should adjust the therapy program or monitor the functional indexes of thyroid when using interferon, the complications should be examined carefully especially interferon induced thyroid diseases.
Henan Medical Research