变压器是电力系统中较为重要的一种供电设备,对电力系统的可靠性和稳定性都有着重要的影响,其故障检测和分析具有较为重要的意义。介绍了芯体故障、变压器油故障、磁路故障、结构方面故障等10 kV电力变压器常见故障,提出并分析了对开关设备继电保护时限配合问题的改进、增加速断保护、反时限过电流保护、定时限过电流保护4种10 kV电力变压器继电保护措施。
The transformer that is important kind of power supply equipment in the power system have an important impact on the reliability and stability of the power system. Also the fault detection and analysis of transformer have important signif- icance. The paper was introduced common faults of core fault, transformer oil fault, the magnetic circuit failure, structural failure of the 10 kV power transformer, and analyzed four kinds of 10 kV power transformer relay protection measures, in- cluding the improvement of switching equipment relay time limit to increase the protection of the quick break, inverse-time over-current protection, definite time over-current to protect.
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