
湖南十字花科作物根肿病菌生理小种鉴定 被引量:14

Physiological Race Identification on Clubroot of Cruciferous Crops Caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae in Hunan
摘要 采用Williams根肿病生理小种鉴别系统,鉴定了采集自湘西南怀化、湘北益阳、湘中株洲和长沙4个地区的十字花科作物大白菜、榨菜、红菜薹和油菜的12份根肿病株的根肿病菌生理小种。鉴定结果表明,目前湖南大白菜根肿病菌为生理小种1号、4号、9号和13号,榨菜根肿病菌为生理小种1号,红菜薹根肿病菌为生理小种4号和9号,油菜根肿病菌为生理小种4号和13号;湘西南怀化大白菜根肿病菌为生理小种1号和13号、榨菜根肿病菌为生理小种1号,湘北益阳红菜薹为生理小种4号,湘中株洲油菜为生理小种4号和13号,湘中长沙大白菜和红菜薹根肿病菌均为生理小种9号。 In the paper, we identified the physiological races of Plasmodiopbora brassicae from twelve clubroot plants of four crueiferous crops, Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestr/s ssp. chinensis), tuber mustard (Brassica juncea var. tumida), purple flowering stalk (Brass/ca eampestffs L. vat. purpurea) and rapeseed (Brassica napus) in four different disease areas, Huaihua, Yiyang, Zhuzhou and Changsha, by using the Williams system. The results showed that there were race 1, 4, 9 and 13 in Chinese cabbage, race 1 in tuber mustard, race 4 and 9 in purple flowering stalk, and race 4 and 13 in rapeseed, and there were race 1 and 13 in Chinese cabbage and race 1 in tuber mustard in Huaihua, race 1 in purple flowering stalk in Yiyang, race 4 and 13 in rapeseed in Zhuzhou, and race 9 in both Chinese cabbage and purple flowering stalk in Changsha.
出处 《长江蔬菜》 2013年第6期46-49,共4页 Journal of Changjiang Vegetables
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201003029)
关键词 十字花科作物 根肿病 生理小种 鉴定 湖南 Cruciferae crops Clubroot Physiological race Identification Hunan
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