通过在不同温湿度和营养条件下对蜡蚧轮枝菌进行研究 ,结果表明 :山西太谷地区蜡蚧轮枝菌菌丝生长和产生孢子的温度范围为 1 2~ 35℃ ,适宜温度范围为 2 0~ 32℃。该菌在SMA培养基上菌落生长最快且产孢量最多。分生孢子在 1 0~ 35℃下均能萌发 ,萌发的适宜温度为 2 5~ 32℃ ,在此温度下 ,2 0h孢子萌发率可达 96 6 1 %以上。另外相对湿度对分生孢子萌发影响很大 ,当相对湿度低于 75 %时 ,该菌的分生孢子不能萌发。
Verticillium Lecanii (Zimm) Viegas was an important Entomogenous fungi Separated in ShangXi province. So a study on it was carried out .The result reveals that Verticillium lecanii can grow and produce conidio between 12~35℃.The suitable temperature for hyphae growth and producing conidio was between 20~32℃. Hyphae growth are the fastest in SMA media. Conidio can germinateon between 10~35℃, Suitable temperature for conidio germination was 25~32℃,germination rate is 96 61% in 20 hours. In addition, conidio germination was greatly influenced by relative humidity . If relutive humidity was lower than 75%, conidio couldn't germinate.