60 GHz无线通信技术可以提供数吉比特速率传输支持高清视频传输、快速同步、无线USB和高速无线局域网。毫米波标准包括了IEEE 802.15.3c、ECMA 387、IEEE 802.11ad、IEEE 802.11aj和中国CWPAN标准。主要介绍了我国毫米波标准、IEEE 802.11ad和IEEE 802.11aj标准及未来60 GHz无线技术。
60 GHz wireless is a emerging technology which aim to provide multi-Gbps data transmission to support the applications including high-quality video streaming, rapid synchronisation, wireless USB and multi-Gbps wireless LANs. The advances of the mmWave technology in various standards including IEEE 802.15.3c, ECMA 387, IEEE 802.1 lad, China WPAN and IEEE 802.1 laj, prove the viability of the technology. In this article, we review 60GHz internal and national standardization and conclude the future of this 60GHz wireless Gbps technology.
Information Technology & Standardization