

The Cultural Heritage:on the Expression and Memory of the History and Cultural Identity of the Quanzhou Hui
摘要 泉州回族文化遗产是泉州回族在历史发展过程中,为适应其生存的自然地理环境和社会经济文化环境以及与闽南汉族的互动中不断再创造的结果。它是泉州回族起源、文化变迁与融合、社会适应与发展、族群认同变化与重构、民族文化心理形成、变化和延续的历史记忆,是泉州回族社会历史发展与文化特性的象征与表达。 The Quanzhou Hui's cultural heritage is the result which the Quanzhou Hui adapted its natural geographical, socio-economic and cultural environment to survive. It is the result of integration between the Minnan Han' s culture and Hui' s culture in the course of historical development. It is the historical memory and symbols of the Quanzhou Hui ' s origin, cultural change and integration, social adaptation and development, ethnic identity change and reconstruction, the formation of ethnic Cultural Psvcholoav change and continuity.
作者 王平
出处 《回族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期102-109,共8页
关键词 泉州回族 文化遗产 历史记忆 文化特性 Quanzhou Hui Heritage structure Historical Memory Ethnic Cultural Identity
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