
银屑病发病与饮食及生活习惯相关性的研究 被引量:7

Association of psoriasis with diets and life style of patients
摘要 目的通过分析银屑病发病与患者的饮食及生活习惯的关系,探讨银屑病的发病因素。方法对325例银屑病患者与325名健康人的饮食及生活习惯进行调查,调查所得的流行病学资料量化赋值后,使用单因素结合多因素logistic回归分析,找出可能引起或防止银屑病发生的影响因素。结果经常食用面粉(OR=2.214)、牛肉(OR=3.308)、羊肉(OR=2.145)、鱼虾(OR=1.952)、辣椒(OR:2.559)、洋葱(OR=1519)、咸菜或酸菜(OR=1.752)及吸烟(OR=2.515)、饮酒(OR=2.205)、失眠(OR=I.502)、肥胖(OR=1.557)可能是银屑病发病的危险因素。经常食用大米(OR=0422)、粗粮(OR=O.252)、蛋类(OR=O.459)、鲜奶(OR=0.576)、苹果(OR=0.650)、香蕉(OR=0.656)、芹菜(OR=0.515)、茄子(OR=O.652)可能对银屑病发病有一定的预防作用。结论饮食因素及吸烟、饮酒、失眠、肥胖等因素在寻常型银屑病的发生、发展中起重要作用。 Objective To investigate the association of psoriasis with diets and life style of patients. Methods The diets and life style of 325 patients with psoriasis and 325 healthy subjects were surveyed. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to examine the risk factors of psoriasis. Results The logistic regression analysis showed that wheat flour (OR= 2.214), beef(OR =3.308), mutton (OR=2.145), fish or shrimp (OR= 1.952), pepper (0R=2.559), onion(OR = 1.519), pickles (OR= 1.752), smoking(OR=2.515), drinking(OR=2.205), insomnia(OR=1.502), fat(OR=1.557)were risk factors of psoriasis; while rice(OR=0.422), coarse grain(OR=0.252), egg (0R=0.459), milk(OR=0.576), apple(OR=0.650), banana(OR=0.656), celery(OR=0.515), eggplant (OR=O.652)were protective factors of psoriasis. Conclusions The diets and life style may be associated with the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
出处 《浙江医学》 CAS 2013年第4期286-288,共3页 Zhejiang Medical Journal
关键词 银屑病 发病因素 饮食习惯 生活习惯 Psoriasis Risk factors Eating habits Living habits
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