目的 :了解硫酸吗啡控释片的不良反应 ,为临床合理用药提供依据。方法 :对兰州军区总医院肿瘤科 5 7例使用硫酸吗啡缓释片治疗晚期癌症患者不良反应进行系统监察 ,并进行分析。结果 :出现恶心 3 5 .1% ,呕吐 19.3 % ,便秘2 8.0 % ,头昏嗜睡 2 2 .8% ,排尿困难 14 .0 % ,另有 2例出现欣快感 ,未见其他严重的不良反应。结论 :药物不良反应的发生与用药剂量无明显关系而与用药总量有一定关系。
Objective:To monitor and analyse the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of morphine sulfate sustained release tablet. Methods:ADRs induced by morphine sulfate sustained release tablets in 57 cases of in patients with advanced cancer were monitor. Results:The occuring rate of nausea was 35.1%, vomiting was 19.3%, constipation was 28.0%, dissiness was 22.8%, disuria was 14.0%, two patients occured euphoric sensation in all patients. Conclusion:The rate of ADRs was not related to the dosage, but to using drug sum.
Herald of Medicine