
Nevin Ⅳ型胆囊癌细化分型及相应根治手术探讨 被引量:4

Study of Nevin typing and expanded radical operation for gallbladder
摘要 目的对胆囊癌Nevin分期进行探讨,对Ⅳ型细化分为ⅣA及ⅣB型。方法将91例胆囊癌按组分为胆囊底体部和胆囊颈部两组,分别施行扩大手术、常规手术及姑息性手术,并对中位生存期、淋巴结转移率等指标进行比较。结果扩大手术组生存率明显高于其余两组,胆囊底体部和颈部肿瘤的发生发展规律、手术方式、根治性切除率皆有不同。结论强调胆囊癌分期细化并据此完成相应的规范化手术可提高生存率。 Objective To explore the Nevin typing for gallbladder cancer by subdividing them into IVA and IVB. Methods 91 cases of gallbladder cancer were divided into two groups, one with the lesion at the body and bottom of the gallbladder and the other at the neck, three different kinds of operations procedure were performed separately : the expanded radical resection, the regular operation and the palliative operation , the patients were also divided into three groups in term of the operation, the median survival time and the transferring rate were compared. Results The survival rate in the expanded resection group was significantly higher than that of the other two groups. Conclusions The subdivision of gallbladder cancer into subtypes and the regulation in the operation type accordingly will help to promote the survival rate.
出处 《肝胆外科杂志》 2013年第1期26-28,共3页 Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery
关键词 胆囊癌 Nevin分期 根治性手术 常规手术 姑息性手术 gallbladder cancer Nevin typing expanded radical resection regular operation palliative operation
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