目的了解高血压患者降压药用药依从性及生命质量,并探讨两者之间的关系。方法采取典型整群抽样方法,从北京市顺义区、崇文区和西城区抽取1~2个卫生服务站辖区内的高血压患者进行用药依从性调查。结果 (1)患者的用药依从性较低,完全依从者仅占56.93%;(2)在婚患者用药依从性高于非在婚患者(包括丧偶、单身及离异患者),城镇职工医保患者的用药依从性高于城镇居民医保患者,高于公费医疗患者;(3)在婚高血压患者生命质量高于不在婚者;(4)生命质量越高,用药依从性越好。结论良好的家庭环境、和睦的家庭和友好的社区都有利于患者生命质量的提高,有利于促进患者用药依从性。
OBJECTIVE To find out the situation of medicine compliance and life quality of population with hypertension, and to evaluate the relationship between the two. METHODS The study took a typical cluster sampling of 1 or 2 communities in Shunyi District, Chongwen District and Xicbeng District in Beijing with a total number of 606 patients with Hypertension and interviewed them face to face. RESULTS (1)the patients have a relatively low percentage of medicine compliance of only 56.93%; (2)The patients with hypertension in marriage have better medicine compliance than the others (widow/ widower, singe/divorced), the patients with medical insurance for urban workers have better medicine compliance than the patients with medical insurance for urban residents or government medical care. (3)The patients with hypertension in marriage have the better life quality than the others (widow/widower, singe/divorced). (4) The better life quality, the better medicine compliance. CONCLUSION The better family atmosphere and community, the better life quality and medicine compliance.
Chinese Primary Health Care