
用户经验与羊群行为——基于网上购物的实证研究 被引量:12

User Experience and Herding Behavior——An Empirical Study of Online Shopping
摘要 随着互联网的快速发展,网上信息引发的羊群行为对社会的影响越来越大。在构建包含用户决策经验的双信号决策模型后,本文采用来自淘宝网的面板数据,对不同经验用户的私人观察信号、他人发出信号与销售的关系进行了研究。实证结果验证了理论模型中的假定与结论:他人释放的行为与意愿信号能够显著影响后续用户的行为,这种影响对于不同决策经验的个体存在较大差异(用户购物经验越低,行为信号导致的用户从众行为越强;用户购物经验越高,意愿信号导致的用户从众行为越强)。 With the rapid development of Internet, the herd behavior triggered by online information has a growing impact on the society. After building a two signals decision model including two different level users' experience, the authors analyze the panel data from Taobao. The results support the theoretical hypothesis which shows that the action and intention signals from others have signifi- cant effects on subsequent users' behavior. This study also finds that the herding behavior is different from different level experience of users. The less user experience in purchase behavior, there is more tendencies to lead herding behavior driven by action signals. On the contrary, the more user experience in purchase behavior, there is more tendencies to lead herding behavior driven by intention signals.
机构地区 南京大学商学院
出处 《山西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期56-66,共11页 Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"网络事件中消费者态度群体极化形成机理研究"(71002028)
关键词 从众行为 网上购物 信息串流 淘宝网 用户经验 herd behavior online shopping information cascade Taobao.com user experience
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