目的:了解晋城市食品中食源性致病菌污染状况。方法:依据《山西省食品安全风险监测计划》中规定方法,于2010—2012年对本市所辖区域相关食品抽样17种类1 259份,进行9种相关食源性致病菌的检测。结果:在检测的1 259份食品样品中,检出食源性致病菌5种192株。不同程度检出相关食源性致病菌的食品(下称隐患食品)为:生禽肉、生畜肉、熟肉制品、凉拌菜、鲜榨果汁、熟制米面制品、焙烤食品、婴幼儿配方食品、即食非发酵豆制品。检出的食源性致病菌为:沙门氏菌、单增李斯特氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、空肠弯曲菌、蜡样芽孢杆菌。结论:加强对食品加工、流通环节的卫生监管及提高全民食品安全意识是预防食源性致病菌引发事件或疾患的关键所在。
Objective: Understanding of foodborne pathogenic pollution bacterium in food of Jincheng. Methods: In 2010--2012,According to the "food safety risk monitoring plan, Shanxi Province". Detecting the nine kinds of food-borne pathogen from the 1 259 copies of 17 types samples in the administrative area of Jincheng. Results:A total of 192 foodborne pathogenic bacterium in 5 types were isolated from 1 259 samples. The food(hereinafter referred to as the hidden dangers of food) which have safety hazards are Poultry, meat, cooked meat, salad, fresh fruit juice, cooked rice products, baked goods, infant formula, instant non-fermented soy products. Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Campylobacter jejuni, Bacillus cereus were detected from the food. Conclusion: The key to prevent the event caused by foodborne pathogenic bacterium or disease is strengthen the food processing, health monitoring of the circulation and raise people's awareness of food safety.
Journal of Changzhi Medical College
Food safety
Foodborne pathogenic bacterium