
福州细叶榕传粉生物学 被引量:4

Pollination biology of Ficus microcarpa in Fuzhou
摘要 在福州地区选取85株细叶榕,对其传粉生物学进行研究。细叶榕榕果发育过程可划分为5个时期:雌前期、雌花期、间花期、雄花期和花后期。细叶榕雌花有长花柱、短花柱之分,柱头较长且弯曲,每个柱头独立,没有形成有利于小蜂传粉和产卵的联合柱头平台,雄花迟熟。细叶榕常年挂果,每年的4—8月为花序芽萌发高峰期,单株每年结果1~4次。细叶榕榕果从雌前期到花后期的发育时间长短与水热条件密切相关,在较为干冷的10月至翌年3月,细叶榕榕果发育较慢,一个发育周期通常需要3~6个月;在较为湿热的4—9月,榕果发育明显变快,一个发育周期仅需1~2个月。榕果的发育呈现株间、株内异步,花序发育周期交叠的现象频繁发生。细叶榕雌花期单果进蜂数量以1~2只占绝对优势,使个体小、数量多的榕果能够获得有效进蜂,既保证了传粉小蜂在榕果狭小空间内的有效传粉,也保证了榕树自身的正常结实,是榕-蜂协同进化的结果。福州细叶榕榕果内有17种小蜂,隶属于小蜂总科中的6个科(亚科),其中榕小蜂科的Eupristinaverticillata是细叶榕唯一的传粉者,在榕小蜂群落结构中占绝对优势。细叶榕种子产出率明显较低,仅为13.64%,可能是其柱头未形成联合柱头平台,以及非传粉小蜂种类和数量较多的缘故。细叶榕可能通过增加年花期数(结果批次)来增加种子的产出,以确保自身的繁衍。本研究结果为城市绿化和热带雨林生物多样性保护提供科学依据。 Ficus microcarpa, a common ornamental species in Fuzhou, was a kind of monoecious fig species. A total 85 F. microcarpa plants in Fuzhou were chosen to study their pollination biology. The syconium growth of F. microcarpa can be divided into five phases: pre-female phase, female phase, inter-floral phase, male-phase and post-floral phase. F. microcarpa has both long style and short style female flowers. The stigma is long and curved, independent from each other, and does not form joint stigma platform that benefits to fig wasps' pollination and spawning. Its male flower matures late. F. microcarpa can continuously produce the figs year-round. Fruiting peaks occur during April to August, and each tree can produce 1 -4 crops in a year. The growth duration of F. microcarpa syconia from pre-female phase to post-floral phase was closely associated with the hydrothermal conditions. In the dry and cold season, that is from October to March, figs grow slowly, and the developmental cycle usually lasts for 3 -6 months. However, in the wet and hot season, that is from April to September, figs grow faster, and the developmental cycle is finished in only 1 -2 months The fig development is inter-tree and intra-tree asynchrony, and the sexual phase overlaps frequently. The foundress number of F. microcarpa during female phase is dominated by only 1 -2 wasp, which makes the small and numerous syconia effectively obtain wasps, does not only significantly raise pollination efficiency of wasps, but also ensures high ratio of fruiting in syconia. This may be the result of co-evolution of the fig-wasp mutualism. Seventeen kinds of wasps were found in syconia of F. microcarpa in Fuzhou, and they belong to six families (subfamily) of Chalcidoidea. Among them, Eupristina verticillata of Agaonidae was the only species-specific pollinator for F. microcarpa, and it dominated in the structure of wasp community. F. microcarpa had low seed output rate, with only 13.64% , probably due to the lack of joint stigma platform, and high rati
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期41-47,共7页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31270440) 福建省科技厅重点项目(2011N0014) 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2010J01141) 福建省教育厅科技项目(JA10070)
关键词 繁殖特征 花期交叠现象 种子产出率 榕小蜂 reproductive characteristics sexual phase overlap seed production rate fig wasp
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