目的:了解某市化工行业职业病危害状况,为职业卫生监管部门制订管理对策提供依据。方法:制定化工企业职业病危害现状调研方案及调查表,随机抽取214家化工企业,采取动员、培训企业填写调查表与职业卫生调查人员现场核实的调查形式,对企业职业病危害及职业卫生管理工作状况进行调查。结果:214家化工企业中91家(42.5%)为有限责任公司,存在职业病危害因素663种,以职业性毒物为主;接触职业病危害因素6 201人,占总人数的27.5%。集体和私营企业中有超过一半的工人接触职业病危害因素,90家(42.1%)企业以手工操作为主。82家(38.3%)企业未进行作业场所职业病危害因素检测,68家(31.8%)企业作业场所职业病危害因素浓度或强度不完全符合职业接触限值。接触职业危害因素的工人中2 658人(42.9%)进行了职业健康监护检查,160家(74.8%)企业有职业卫生防护设施,189家(88.3%)企业为接触职业病危害因素的工人配备了个人防护用品。接触职业危害因素的工人中1 018人(16.4%)接受了职业卫生知识培训。结论:职业卫生监管部门应严把源头控制关,积极推进职业卫生法律法规的普及与企业职业病危害项目申报、作业场所职业病危害因素定期监测和职业健康监护工作的实施,促进职业卫生技术服务机构为企业提供良好的职业卫生技术服务,有效预防和控制职业病。
Objective: To investigate the occupational hazards existing in chemical industries and provide evidence base for the governmental supervision authority to establish management system. Methods: Research program with the questionnaire were developed. Two hundred fourteen chemical enterprises were selected randomly and occupational hazards in these enterprises were investigated. Results: Ninety-one (42.5%) of 214 chemical enterprises were limited liability companies and there were 663 species occupational hazards in these chemical enterprises, with occupational poisons as a predominant harmful factor. There were 6 201 workers (27.5%) exposed to occupational hazards. More than half of the workers in collective and private enterprise were exposed to occupational hazards. The operation manner in 90 enterprises (42. 1% ) was manual. Eighty- two enterprises (38.3%) did not make regular test on the occupational hazards in the workplace according to the regulation of the public health authority under the State Council. The intensity or concentration of the occupational hazards in the workplace failed to comply with the occupational exposure limit in 68 enterprises (31.8%). There were 2 658 workers (42. 9% ) exposed to occupational hazards were carried out occupational health examination. One hundred sixty employers (74. 8% ) deployed occupational health prevention facilities for laborers, and 189 employers (88.3%) provided enterprises with the personal protective equipment. One thousand and eighteen workers (16.4%) who were exposed to occupational hazards were received occupational health training. Conclusion: The responsibility of the supervision authority should strictly audit the Construction Project assessment, actively advance popularization of occupational health law. The supervision authority should promote implementation of occupational hazard program declaration, supervision and assessment of occupational hazard in workplace, and occupational health surveillance. The sup
Modern Medical Journal