深圳供电局观兰变电站在装设有避雷保护的 110kV线路上 ,曾发生两起断路器爆炸事故。经分析 ,产生这两起事故的主要原因是雷电波经反射后的幅值增大而使绝缘击穿。就事故分析提出了几个值得探讨的问题 :事故与断口两侧有工频电源有关 ;雷击波的陡度值处于外绝缘大于内绝缘的区域和电压抽取装置的削波作用不显著而使灭弧室内绝缘击穿 ;外绝缘先击穿或内、外绝缘同时击穿 ;事故与雷击进线段发生绕击或反击的关系是主要的还是次要的。
Two circuit breaker (CB) explosions oc curred on lightning-protected 110 kV line of Guanlan Substation of Shenzhen Pow er Supply Bureau. It is concluded through analysis that the explosions mainly re sulted from insulation breakdown induced by augmented amplitude of reflected lig htning wave. Based on the discussion of some problems, it is pointed out that mo unting additional lightning arrestors on both ends of overhead lines is an effec tive means to protect outlet CB of substations.
Guangdong Electric Power