
社会网络结构与社会网络资源——基于270名科技型大学生创业者的问卷调查 被引量:2

Social Network Structure and Social Network Resource——Based on Questionnaire Survey of 270 Sci-tech University Student Entrepreneurs
摘要 社会网络结构与社会网络资源对于创业资源和社会关系匮乏的科技型大学生创业者具有非常重要的意义。本文基于Porter(1985)所提出的价值链理论,将网络资源分为支持性网络资源和运营性网络资源,并通过进一步探索和实证检验,提出了与Burt(1992)等西方学者在"弱关系"假设基础上认为低密度社会网络带来更多网络资源截然不同的观点:在中国特殊的社会与文化背景下强调的主要是"强关系",因而中国科技型大学生创业者社会网络密度与联系强度越高,从其社会网络中获取的支持性网络资源越多。这一研究结论向科技型大学生创业者清晰地展现了社会网络资源积累和获取的途径与方式。 Social network structure and social network resource are very significant for sci-tech university student entrepreneurs, who are lack of entrepreneurial resource and relationship. Based on Porter's value chain theory (1985), this paper creatively divides network resource into supportive network resource and operational network resource. Through further exploration and empirical examination, we find that Chinese sci-tech university student entrepreneurs' supportive network resource is positively related with their network intensity and tie-strength. This research conclusion is entirely different from some western scholars like Butt (1992), who holds that lower network intensity produces more network resource according to the "weak ties' theory. Moreover, these research conclusions clearly exhibit the approach of obtaining network resource.
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2013年第5期6-15,共10页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 上海理工大学科技启动经费项目 国家自然科学基金项目(70773022 70871080 71171134) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目(11ZS138) 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题(2011BGL006)资助
关键词 社会网络结构 社会网络资源 科技型大学生创业者 Social Network Structure Social Network Resource Sci-tech University Student Entrepreneurs
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