针对空间分辨率较低的ASTER GDEM在进行小流域划分时易出现较大误差的问题,提出了基于ASTER GDEM和Google Earth相结合的小流域划分方法,利用Google Earth中分辨率较高的卫星遥感影像对ASTER GDEM划分结果进行修正,从而得到较准确的流域划分结果。实际应用结果表明,该方法所得结果与实际较为相符,可应用于小流域设计洪水计算。
There is large error during small watershed division with ASTER GDEM, which has low spatial resolu- tion. This paper proposes a method of small watershed division based on ASTER GDEM and Google Earth. With the help of Google Earth, this method can correct the result of watershed division based on ASTER GDEM. By using the higher resolution photograph provided by Google Earth, this method can get watershed character accurately. The test shows that the result of watershed division by the method was consistent with the actual situation of the watershed. Thus, it can be used in flood calculation of small watershed.
Water Resources and Power