
日本预防保健体系对我国构建家庭保健体系的启示 被引量:10

Enlightenment of Japan's experiences in preventive health care to China on establishment of family-based health care system
摘要 日本的医疗卫生保健体系从广义上讲以预防保健、医疗和照护为三大支柱,并针对儿童、残疾人、老年人等弱势群体通过社会福利政策给予支持,从而打造了全方位的预防保健、医疗、照护、福利网络。随着医疗费用在国民收入中所占比例的不断增加和人口老龄化的不断加剧,日本逐步深化预防保健的重要性,积极促进以治疗为重点的医疗体制向重视疾病预防、健康促进的预防保健医疗体制转变。同时,加强保健、医疗、照护、福利在社区层面的联合。本文重点分析日本预防保健体系的构成及特点,总结其经验,以期为中国强化预防保健意识,促进人口计生系统转型,构建全面深入的家庭预防保健体系提供借鉴和参考。 The health care system in Japan, in a broad sense, consists of the three pillars of preventive care, medical care and nursing care. The vulnerable people such as children, the disabled and the elderly are supported by the governmental social welfare policies. Therefore, a comprehensive prevention and health care network with a full coverage in Japan has been established. With the increasing proportion of medical expenses in national revenue and continuously intensified ageing in Japan,preventive health care has been playing an increasingly important role. The health care system has shifted its focus from treatment only to preventive health care including disease prevention and health promotion. What's more, attention has been paid to strengthen the integration of preventive health care, medical care and welfare at community level. This paper analyzed the structure and charateristics of the preventive health care system in Japan, and sums up its experiences to be used as references for China to improve its awareness of preventive health care, accelerate the transformation of population and family planning system, and eventually build a comprehensive family -based preventive health care system.
出处 《中国计划生育学杂志》 2013年第3期155-160,共6页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning
关键词 保健 预防保健 家庭保健 中老年保健 Health care Preventive health care Family - based health care Health care for the elderly
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