HWMP(hybrid wireless mesh protocol)协议中的路径选择判据仅注重考虑链路中节点所占信道的资源量,而没有综合考虑其它节点的干扰。针对该问题,结合802.11sMAC层的特点,通过提取MAC层中的网络分配矢量(networkallocation vector,NAV)参数,在基于空中传播时间链路判据(airtime link metric,ALM)的基础上,提出了一种新的路径选择判据E-ALM(enhanced-airtime link metric)。仿真实验结果表明:新的路径选择判据有助于提高网络吞吐量、降低时延和丢包率,并在一定程度上避免了网络拥塞。该判据对基于802.11s的无线网状网路径选择进行了优化,从而提高了网络的整体性能。
The path selection metric of hybrid wireless mesh protocol only considers the channel resource consumption, but the interference between nodes is not paid attention to. Associating with the characteristic of 802. lls MAC layer, from which the parameter of network allocation vector is extracted, a new path metric --enhanced-airtime link based on airtime link is proposed. The result of the simulation indicates that the new path metric is helpful to increase network throughput and reduce the delay and packet lost rate. It can also avoid network congestion to some extent. The new metric optimizes the path selection of wireless mesh network based on 802. lls, which improve the capability of the whole network.
Computer Engineering and Design