The semantic understanding of written words are fundamental to the process of reading. In the word recognition research, such as alphabet writing, many studies have shown that repetition and semantic priming both produce characteristic differences in ERPs. The most frequently reported effect is that the primed words attenuate the N400 component compared to non-primed words. Such 51400 "effects" are believed to be sensitive to the lexical and/or semantic properties of the stimulus and its context. However, there is a promi- nent debate about the meaning that the N400 effects reflected in the semantic processing. The Chinese characters are ideograms, which are different from the alphabetic script in strokes, structures and orthographic processing, etc. The present study used event-related po- tential recordings (ERPs) to explore the traits of semantic processing of Chinese characters by adopting short intervals masked priming and Go/Nogo paradigms. In order to avoid subjects using the different strategies across experiments, semantic/associated and repetition trials were included within a single session. Fifteen students were randomly chosen from a university. We adopted a 2 (Word Frequency: High and Low) ~ 3 (Priming Relationship: repetition priming, associative priming and control condition) within subjects design. Participants performed a semantic categorization task, in which they were instructed to monitor all stimuli for occasional exemplars (probes) from the category of animal names. Meanwhile, there was no requirements to the critical prime or target stimuli. The results showed that in a short SOA (47ms), the 51400 effects between the repetition priming and the control condition had sig- nificant difference. At the same time, the difference between repetition priming and associative priming was also significant. However, there were no significant differences between the associative priming and the control condition. For the earlier component of the N250, there was no evidence o
Journal of Psychological Science