目的探讨头皮软组织良恶性肿块的CT诊断价值。方法回顾性分析76例经手术病理证实的头皮软组织肿块病例的临床资料和CT表现,包括临床症状、发病年龄、病程、性别特点、发病部位、病变密度、边缘情况、内部情况及邻近骨质改变情况。结果 76例中,良性病变59例(77.6%),恶性病变17例(22.4%)。病变类型最多的前四位依次是脂肪瘤(24/76)、表皮样囊肿(7/76)、血管瘤(7/76)和嗜酸性肉芽肿(7/76)。结论 CT能显示肿块的部位、形态及邻近骨质改变,结合其临床特征,能很好地诊断肿块的良恶性。
Objective To discuss the diagnostic value of CT in benign and malignant soft tissue masses of scalp. Methods CT, clinical characteristics and histological findings of 76 patients with benign and malignant soft tissue masses of scalp were analyzed retrospectively,including the clinical symptoms, age of onset, course of disease, sex, position of le- sion, density of lesion, margin, internal information and adjacent destruction of bone. Results In the 76 patients, 59 were benign lesions (77.6%) and 17 were malignant lesions (22.4%). Lipoma(24/76), epidermoid cyst(7/76), he- mangioma(7/76) and eosinophilic granuloma(7/76)were commonly found. Conclusion CT can show the position, mor- phology of mass and adjacent destruction of bone, combined with the clinical characteristics, we can distinguish benign from malignant soft tissue masses of scalp well.
Journal of Clinical Radiology