The present experiments aimed to evaluate transcription expression of the pluripotency core regulators Oct4,Nanog and Sox2 in peripheral blood of rhesus monkey using semi-quantita- tive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and all samples of peripheral blood of rhesus monkeys were divided into three groups of the Young (under 2 years old),the Sub-adult (2 to 5 years old) and the Adult (above five years old). RT-PCR results demonstrated that Oct4, Nanog and Sox2 were positively expressed in all samples of rhesus monkeys at the young stage and the sub- adult stage and in most of samples (8/12) at the adult stage. However, few samples only expressed Oct4 & Sox2 (2/12) or Oct4 & Nanog (1/12),and negatively ex- pressed the three genes in the Adult group. Comparison of these gene mRNA relative contents a- mong the samples expressing the three genes, demonstrated that Sox2 were significantly higher than Oct4 and Nanog in every group,Oct4 were significantly higher than Nanog in the sub-adult group and the adult group, and Oct4 ~ Nanog was no significant in the young group. Meanwhile, Oct4 Nanog was not significant between the three groups, and Sox2 were Significantly higher in the young group than in the adult group. The results suggested that Oct4, Nanog and Sox2 were positively ex- pressed in peripheral blood of rhesus monkeys varied from the young to the adult under the physiological condition, exhibited some differences and a decreasing or disappearing trends with age increasing.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science