
新闻业的未来:网络新闻 被引量:31

The Future of Journalism:Networked Journalism
摘要 技术的发展带来了许多变化,在这加速发展的变化中,新闻的生产、传播以及被使用的方式也都发生了变化。我们正在目睹新工具和新实践的出现,这些新现象创造了信息生产的新方式,重新定义了专业新闻在这一新信息系统中的地位。尽管很多人都怀有一种恐惧,认为新技术的发展对新闻业和新闻记者的职业生存有破坏性影响,但事实上我们认为目前的发展或许能为更好的新闻业和独立新闻记者的发展铺平道路。这就是这篇文章的主题和关注这个主题的原因。数字时代的网络新闻对专业新闻的独立和质量并非威胁,而是将其从严格的公司控制中解放出来。对于新闻记者来说,它提供了一个以独特方式超越他人的机会,对社会来说,社会既能从无止境的信息扩张中获益,又能在一个信息让人感到困惑的世界中,从对信息的有益解释中获益。 In a technology-driven process of accelerated change, journalism is being transformed in the ways that it is produced, distributed, and used. We are witnessing the emergence of new tools and practices, phenomena that are yielding both a flurry of new ways to produce information and a redefinition of the place of professional journalism in this new information system. While there is widespread fear about the damaging consequences of these trends for the quality of journalism and the professional survival ofjoumalists, we believe that current developments may, in fact, be paving the path toward better journalism and more independent joumalists. The what and why of this statement are the subjects of this article. The networked journalism of the digital age is not a threat to the independence and quality of professional journalism, but a liberation fi'om strict corporate control. It is an opportunity for journalists to each excel in a unique way, and for society to benefit, both from an endless expansion of information, and from meaningful interpretation of this information in a world characterized by informed bewilderment.
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期53-66,共14页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
关键词 网络 数字时代 专业新闻 Network, digital age, professional journalism
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