针对东丰县现有国有落叶松人工林的采伐方式以及各龄级的面积、蓄积比例分布失调的状况 ,进行一次远近利益相结合的统一规划 ,定向培育一些大径材林木 ,以达到龄级分布相对均衡 ,变单一木材生产为立体生态经营。
The fallen measures and age-class proportion of state larch plantation in Dongfeng County were discussed in the paper. Result showed that Proportion of distribution area and stand volume to every age-class stand was unbalance now. Modulating the age-class properly and enhancing the proportion of big diameter-class timber harvest stand must be put in practice according to the benefit program of the plantation management in the near future and far future. And changing the sole timber-harvest into ecologically multiform management was essential to the plantation management.
Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology