电视新闻主持人播报新闻 ,“说新闻”的主持模式强调人的主体性。记者型主持人实践着主持人是最好的记者这一理念 ,知识化和平近的交谈风格成为主持人的新特点。不同的主持人具有不同的基本技能的结构模式 。
In anchoring TV news programs, the anchoring style of 'telling the news' instead of reading it emphasizes the person rather than the thing. The journalist-anchorperson is demonstrating the charm of professional knowledge and easy conversational style in combination, which seems to prove that the journalist is the ideal anchorperson. Different anchorpersons may have different structures of basic skills. And the makings of a anchoring star are receiving more attention of the viewers and the anchorpersons themselves.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)