利用一块天然集水区 ,研究了湿地松人工林内K、P、Ca、Mg、Zn、Cu、Fe、Mn等矿物质元素。 1998~ 1999年通过降雨输入、地表径流输出以及积累、归还和吸收等循环过程。湿地松人工林有较高的生产力 (生物生产量为 2 0 349t·hm-2 ·a-1、材积生长量为 9 40 8m3·hm-2 ·a-1) ,原因在于它对矿物质元素有较高的利用率。林分矿质元素支出大于收入 ,并且归还量少 ,林分矿质元素循环效率低。建议采用阔叶树混交等方法调控湿地松林 ,以提高林分生产力 。
The study results show that Pinus elliottii plantation possesses the relatively high productivity,because its utilization rate for mineral elements is relatively high;and the disbursement of stand mineral elements is larger than their income,so their cycle efficiency is low.Therefore we propose that the methods of the mixture with a broadleaved species,etc.should be adopted to regulate and control P.elliottii forest so as to enhance the stand productivity and set up the ecosystem with the virtuous cycle.
Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology