用广东地方品种东莞大茄经多代自交筛选而成的自交系东选D 2 1 0作母本 ,用华南地区栽培品种双头齐大紫红茄经多代自交分离纯化筛选出的自交系双选S 1 1 0作父本配制而成的茄子杂种一代粤丰紫红茄 ,比对照品种长身紫茄早熟 7~ 10d(天 ) ,前期产量增加 6 8.5% ,总产量增加 4 5.2 % ;果实长棒形 ,长 2 5~ 2 7cm ,横径 5.0~ 5.2cm ,单果质量 0 .2kg ,果皮薄、深紫红色、有光泽 ,果肉白色 ,种子少 ,品质优良。大田生产一般每 6 6 7m2 产量 2 50 0kg左右 ,适宜华南地区春、秋季栽培 ,至 1999年累计推广种植面积达 2 0 0 0hm2 。
Yuefengzihongqie’ is a new eggpalnt F 1 hybrid developed by crossing ‘Dongxuan D 2 1 0’ with ‘Shuangxuan S 1 1 0’. It is 7-10 days earlier in maturity and 68.5% higher in early yield and 45.2% higher in total yield than those of ‘Changshenziqie’. The pulp is white with a few seeds. The average fruit weight is 0.2kg with purple and thin peel. And the yield is 37.5t·hm -2 . It is suitable to grow in south China in spring and fall. The total extension area is nearly 2000hm 2 up to 1999.
China Vegetables