目的:讨论中医护理方法在心血管患者生活质量提高方面的应用与效果。方法:选择 2010 年 8 月~2012 年 9 月间,在我科救治的心血管患者 70 例,随机分为中医护理组和常规护理组,每组各 35 例,中医护理采用情志调节、药膳饮食调控和按摩、中药足浴等,比较两组患者生活质量的改善和满意度。结果:中医护理组患者的生活质量改善有很大提高,满意度高,与常规护理组比,差异具有统计学意义。结论:在心血管患者的治疗中,辅助中医护理,对患者的生活质量有很大提高,是值得借鉴的好方法。
Objective: To analyze the clinical effect of TCM nursing on treating angiocardiopathy. Methods: 70 patients collected from August 2010 to September 2012 were randomly divided into two groups, 35 patients in each group. The treated group was given affection regulation, medicined diet, massage and TCM pediluvium. Results: The life quality of the patients in the treated group improved a lot, with significant differences compared with the control group. Conclusion: TCM nursing had good effect on angiocardiopathy and improved the life quality of the patients, worth a wide application.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine