目的从论文产出与被引用角度展现医院的科研进展情况,为科研管理部门了解医院的科技发展动态、制定决策提供量化依据。方法以SCI-EXPANDED数据库为数据来源,分别从论文的年代分布、学科类别、期刊分布、文献类型、以及论文被引用情况等方面,对中国医科大学附属盛京医院近5年内发表的S C I论文进行了计量分析。结果 2007-2011年共发表S C I论文517篇,平均每年103.4篇。其中从2009年起呈逐年递增的趋势并且之后每年都已经超过100篇,2011年增加到160篇。有83篇是中国国家自然科学基金项目所发表的文章,占总数的近16.05%居于首位。其次是辽宁省自然科学基金发表篇数16篇,占总数的3.09%。肿瘤学科发表论文篇数75篇,占论文总数的14.51%,外科学发表论文数56篇,占论文总数10.83%。517篇SCI论文,共被引用1176次,平均每篇被引用2.27次。其中被引用20次以上的5篇。结论论文的数量和质量呈现逐年提高的趋势。
Objective To evaluate the academic status of China Medical University Affiliated Sheng Jing Hospital and provide basis for the management of the hospital. Methods A total of 517 SCI papers from the hospital were statistically analyzed concerning following aspects: publishing journals distribution, citations, subject catego- ry, et al. Results From 2007 to 2011, a total of 517 papers were published in SCI with an average amount of 103.4 for each year. Among all the published papers, those supported by national natural science fund a- chieved 83 ( 16.05% ) , and followed by papers supported by natural science fund from Liaoning, with an a- mount of 16 (3.09%). As for the distribution on subjects, oncology reached to 75 papers ( 14. 51% ), and surgery reached to 56 papers ( 10. 83% ). The time cited for the total 517 papers was 1176, with an average of 2. 27 for each paper. Five papers were cited for more than 20 times. Conclusion Both the quantity and quality of papers were gradually improved over time. The hospital should maintain related management regulations and policies.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
paper analysis
Sheng Jing Hospital