目的了解某磷化工公司职业危害因素及其对从业人员身体健康的影响,为制订相应预防措施提供科学依据。方法采用定点监测方法于2007年、2009年、2011年分别进行现场监测及从业人员健康体检,将资料进行综合整理分析。结果 3次监测五氧化二磷、粉尘、噪声、热辐射4项主要污染指标,以五氧化二磷平均合格率最高(89.66%),热辐射合格率最低(77.78%)。不同岗位空气中五氧化二磷含量以精制车间合格率最低(78.95%);炉前岗位受粉尘、热辐射影响,合格率分别为84.62%、58.82%;控制室4项合格率均在90%以上。从业人员职业健康检查以高血压检出率最高(13.88%),其次为听力异常(9.98%);炉前工、护炉工监测项目超标与体检结果异常明显高于精制工和控制室内的工作岗位。结论通过加强环境治理,职业危害因素大幅度下降。但应进一步控制有毒有害因素排放、降噪、除尘等措施,改善作业环境,减少职业危害发生。
Objective To investigate the factors of occupational hazards in a certain phosphorus chemical plant and their influence on the employees' health to provide the scientific basis for formulating the corresponding preven- tive measures. Methods The fixed-point monitoring method was adopted to conduct the on-site inspection and the physical examination in employees in 2007,2009 and 2011 respectively. The obtained data were performed the com- prehensive analysis. Results In the inspections of the 4 main pollution indexes including P20% ,dust, noise and ther- mal radiation, the average qualified rate of P205 was highest(89.66 % ), while which of thermal radiation was lowest (78.78%). Among the different workshops in the plant,the qualified rate of P20% in the refining workshop was low- est(78.95 % ). The posts before refining furnace were affected by dust and thermal radiation, their qualified rates were 84.62% and 58.82% respectively. The qualified rates of the 4 main pollution indexes in the control room were totally over 90%. In the occupational physical examination of the employees, the detection rate of hypertension was highest (13.88% ), followed by abnormal listening(9.98 % ). Exceeding standard of the monitoring indexes and obviously ab- normal physical examination results in the blast furnace operators and furnace maintenance operators were signifi- cantly higher than those for the refining workers and the posts in the control room. Conelusion The factors of occu- pational hazards have been greatly declined by improving working conditions. But the discharge of poisonous and harmful factors should be further controlled, the measures of noise reduction and dust elimination should be further strengthened and the working environment should be improved for decreasing the occupational hazards.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic
occupational hazards