采用小孔SAPO-34分子筛为活性基质,经过改性、喷雾干燥成型及适当温度焙烧后,得到适用于流化床的二甲醚或甲醇高选择性转化为低碳烯烃的催化剂D803C-Ⅱ01。研究反应温度、反应压力和催化剂停留时间对甲醇制低碳烯烃反应的影响以及D803C-Ⅱ01催化剂再生过程及其变化规律。结果表明,乙烯+丙烯选择性约在425℃达到最大值,在反应总压力不大于0.2 MPa、催化剂停留时间为55 min、催化剂与物料接触时间大于0.2 s条件下,均能保证反应转化率接近100%,但反应接触时间从0.6 s增大至3 s,会造成乙烯+丙烯选择性降低3~5个百分点。
Using small porous molecular sieve SAPO-34 as the active matrix, D803C-Ⅱ 01 catalyst for dimethyl ether or methanol to olefins in the fluidized bed reactor was prepared via modification, spray drying shaping and calcination at proper temperature. The influence of reaction temperature, reaction pressure and catalyst resident time on the reaction of methanol to olefins, and the regeneration process and the change law of D803C-Ⅱ 01 catalyst were investigated. The results showed that the selectivity to ethylene and propylene at about 425℃ reached maximum value, and conversion rate of nearly 100% was attained under the condition as follows : total reaction pressure less than 0.2 MPa, catalyst resident time 55 min,and contact time of the catalyst and material more than 0.2 s. When the reaction contact time increased from 0.6 s to 3 s,the selectivity to ethylene and propyiene reduced by 3% -5%.
Industrial Catalysis