在Uniprot数据库中获得中国龙虾过敏原Pan s 1蛋白序列,使用DNAStar和NetMHCⅡ分别预测B细胞和T细胞表位,并对其进行抗原性评分;使用Swiss-Model软件生成其三维结构,并利用Ramachandran plot分析进行模型有效性评估。在Uniprot数据库搜集不同种类的虾蟹原肌球蛋白序列,利用MEGA5.1用JTT+G模型构建ML(Maximum Likelihood)进化树。结果显示,中国龙虾过敏原Pan s 1三维结构为2条相互缠绕的α-螺旋。Pan s 1的B/T细胞共有抗原表位区域为81~95,146~157。同体型大小的虾蟹类之间,可能更为容易产生种群间的交叉过敏反应。
Objective:Use Uniprot database to obtain the amino acid sequence of panulirus stimpsoni allergen Pan s 1 B cell epitopes and T cell epitopes were predicted through DNAStar and NetMHC [I software, respectively.Generate the three-dimensional structure of Pan s 1 with swiss-model sever and evaluate effectiveness of the model. Collect different kinds of shrimp and crab tropomyosin sequence in Uniprot database and use them to building the ML(Maximum Likelihood) phylogenetic tree with MEGA 5.1 software.The results show that the three dimensional structure of Pan s 1 consists of two intertwined a-helix. Combining the prediction results of B/T cell epitopes, the possible epitope regions of Pan s 1 were 81-95 and 146-157. Crustaceans, between the same body size may be more prone to crossllergic reactions among the population.
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