随着信息技术的飞速发展,文件的安全性越来越被重视,防止个人信息文件被窃取已经成为一个重要的研究课题。将以硬、软件结合的方式,硬件上基于磐石科技的NT119的USBKey,对其进行识别与密码读写,软件上以Microsoft Visual Studio 2008为平台,实现USBKey的识别与读写功能,最终硬软件结合保护文件。达到只有在拥有相应USBKey和密码后才能打开文件看到相关的信息,实现文件的保护功能。
With the rapid development of information technology,document security is more and more important.Preventing personal information from documents stolen has become an important research topic.This article is to use the combination of hardware and software.The hardware of the science and technology based on the rock NT119 USBKey,which is carried on the identification and password to read.Software which use Microsoft visual studio 2008 as the platform to realize the function of the identification and the reading and writing,which finally protect documents with hardware and software.Only with corresponding USBKey and password to open files can see relevant information,and realize the documents of the protection function.
Electronic Measurement Technology